Ultraviolet Vibes

I’ve been feeling pretty invisible on the blogosphere lately, and I blame it on the new year. I guess that’s one thing I have in common with the Pantone color of the year, ultraviolet.

Let’s make things clear, she’s not your basic purple. Ultraviolet is way beyond the “V” in Roy G. Biv. Our girl UV is off the visible spectrum, a radiation with a wavelength shorter than visible light. Shorter wavelengths, means, in short, that she’s invisible. So if you’ve ever wanted to be visible and invisible at the same time, now’s your chance.

My UV rays simply radiate in this bold jewel-toned hue that penetrates the winter’s cool cloudy days. This vintage St. John sweater offers just the right amount of texture that pops against a neutral color backdrop of camel, navy, and a splash of leopard print. For a regal pairing, I accessorized with collars galore – a gold-toned collar necklace and the softest of fur collars to adorn my neck. Here I am, clearly visible in invisible light.

This ultraviolet is ultra chic, no SPF needed.

vintage St. John sweater (similar here & here) | vintage trousers (similar) | Urban Outfitters pumps (similar) | vintage coat (similar) | vintage necklace (similar)


Papa Don’t Preach

But I made up my mind, I’m writing this post about you.

When I look at my father’s 60-year-old frame today, it’s hard to believe that he was once an energetic young dad dealing with four kids. Looking back at old photos of him, I’d say he was a pretty stylish guy.

He wasn’t around much when my siblings and I were younger because he worked hard to make sure he could provide for us and feed our hungry tummies. This was one of his biggest regrets, he later told me, that he missed out on so much of our childhood. To make up for lost time, he would lecture us on various facets of life, lectures I always dreaded. Only in recent years have I started to understand the meaning of his lectures. Whether it is advice on finding the right man or finding a career I’m passionate about – he has two cents to say about everything. I’ve realized that my dad is a very smart man. He has bestowed on me many words of wisdom, of which I realize the truths to his words much later.

Dad, thank you for always challenging me and providing the inspiration for this outfit! Like father, like daughter.

unlabeled jacket (similar) / U.O. tee (similar) / vintage trousers (similar) / Me Too shoes (similar) vintage D&B purse